Albino Corydoras 3.5cm

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Albino Corydoras are a popular and colorful species of freshwater fish that are often kept in home aquariums. These fish are a member of the catfish family, and are known for their peaceful temperament and social nature, making them a great choice for community tanks.

Albino Corydoras are a relatively small fish, typically growing to be around 2.5 inches in length. They have a distinctive bronze coloration with a white underbelly and red eyes, which is why they are called “albino.” The bronze coloration can vary in intensity from fish to fish, with some appearing more metallic than others.

In addition to their striking appearance, Albino Corydoras are also known for their hardiness and adaptability. They are able to tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making them a great choice for beginner aquarists. They prefer soft, acidic water with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0, and a temperature between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit.

Albino Corydoras are also bottom-dwellers, meaning they spend most of their time foraging on the substrate for food. They are omnivores, and will eat a variety of foods including sinking pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp.

These fish are social creatures and prefer to be kept in groups of at least six or more. They are known for their playful behavior, often seen darting around the tank and exploring their surroundings. Providing plenty of hiding places and plants in the aquarium will allow them to feel secure and comfortable.

Albino Corydoras are easy to breed in captivity, and can often be induced to spawn with a water temperature increase and frequent water changes. They are egg-layers, and will lay their eggs on plants or other surfaces in the aquarium. The eggs will hatch in 2-3 days, and the fry will be free-swimming within a few days after that.

In conclusion, Albino Corydoras are a beautiful, hardy, and social species of freshwater fish that make a great addition to any home aquarium. Their playful behavior, adaptability, and ease of care make them a great choice for beginner and experienced aquarists alike. Whether you are looking to start a new community tank or add to an existing one, Albino Corydoras are definitely worth considering.