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Hyptis Laciniata 5cm Pot

Hyptis laciniata, is a rare and beautiful plant that is becoming increasingly popular in the aquarium trade. It is native to South America and has distinctive, highly divided laciniate leaves that grow a striking bright pink colour under high lighting. This plant has a bushy growth habit in lower light and tends to creep along the substrate in higher light.

One of the most attractive features of this plant is the way its leaves change colour under different lighting conditions. Under high light, the leaves take on a striking pink hue, creating a stunning look in the aquarium. However, even in lower lighting conditions, the leaves are an attractive olive green, making it a versatile plant that can thrive in a range of setups. In lower light, the stems spread outwards and upwards, making it an excellent choice for creating a lush, natural-looking aquascape.

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5 in stock