Peppermint Bristlenose 3-4cm

Peppermint bristlenose is an extremely popular species of armored catfish native to South America. They are actually not a colour variation of the standard bristlenose catfish and are their very own species however much of their care is exactly the same. These tend to be the first new species that pleco enthusiasts branch out to after mastering the plethora of colours in the standard bristlenose and the peppermints act as a gateway into the world of L number plecos. Peppermint plecos are also great algae eaters and will be a vital member of your clean-up crew which makes them an even better fish to have in your aquarium.

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Peppermint bristlenose especially as juveniles look absolutely stunning with jet-black body colour and bright white spots that run from head to tail. The fins are rimmed with the same white as well. When the plecos mature, they still maintain the contrasting black and white however spots are much smaller and almost look like small stars in a night sky. They do not stand out as much as the white spots on juveniles but are still beautiful in their own way. Peppermint bristlenose tends to have smaller bristles compared to the standard species, aside from this, the temperature and water parameter requirements are all the same. These are tropical fish and need a water temperature of 24 – 26 degrees and a PH range of 6.0 – 7.0

Breeding peppermint bristlenose is possible and commonly done in the aquarium hobby. These fish however tend to not do well with change in the breeding environment, whilst this does not physically harm the fish, it tends to really halt their breeding for quite some time. The peppermint bristlenose really is a set-and-forget style of fish when it comes to breeding, it is best to put in a group that consists of 1 or 2 males and 3 to 4 females into a tank that is littered with pleco caves.