Neon Tetra 2-2.5cm

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Neon Tetras (Paracheirodon innesi)

Add a Splash of Color to Your Aquarium


  • Species: Paracheirodon innesi
  • Common Name: Neon Tetra
  • Origin: Brazil, Colombia, and Peru (South America)
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • PH Range: 6.5 – 7
  • Temperature: 26-28°C
  • Breed Type: Egg scatterer
  • Current Size: Approximately 2cm (Grows to approximately 4cm)
  • Sex: Un-sexed


Neon Tetras, native to the Orinoco and Amazon basins, are the perfect vibrant addition to any home aquarium. Known for their slender, torpedo-shaped bodies, these colorful fish reach a maximum length of 4cm. What they lack in size, they make up for in stunning color, featuring a bright neon blue stripe from the tip of their nose to the adipose fin. This unique coloration makes them highly visible in their natural blackwater habitats and adds a brilliant splash of color to any tank.

Habitat and Behavior:

Neon Tetras thrive in shoals and are best kept in groups of six or more. They are peaceful fish that swim primarily in the middle water layers. Ideal tank mates include other small, peaceful species like rasboras, dwarf gouramis, and small catfish. Avoid housing them with larger fish that might see them as prey.


These omnivorous fish are not picky eaters and will enjoy a varied diet. Feed them fine flake food, small granules, live or frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms (frozen or freeze-dried) to ensure they stay healthy and vibrant.

Care Tips:

  • Schooling: Always keep Neon Tetras in groups of six or more to ensure they feel secure and display their best colors.
  • Community Tank: Pair with small, non-aggressive fish. Avoid larger species that could pose a threat.
  • Diet: Offer a variety of foods to meet their nutritional needs.
  • Environment: Maintain water temperature between 26-28°C and a pH range of 6.5 – 7.

Order Your Neon Tetras Today

Bring the dazzling beauty of Neon Tetras to your aquarium and watch them transform your aquatic environment with their brilliant colors and lively shoaling behavior. Perfect for both beginner and experienced aquarists, these fish are a delightful addition to any community tank.